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Vol.7, No.3 (November, 2012) |
Comprehensive Optical Monitoring of Selective Laser Melting [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0001]
M. Doubenskaia, Université de Lyon, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Saint Etienne (ENISE), DIPI Laboratory;
M. Pavlov, Université de Lyon, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Saint Etienne (ENISE), DIPI Laboratory;
S. Grigoriev, Moscow State Technological University;
E. Tikhonova, Moscow State Technological University;
I. Smurov, Université de Lyon, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Saint Etienne (ENISE), DIPI Laboratory;
Received: June 6, 2011,
Accepted: May 21, 2012
In-situ X-ray Observation of Molten Pool Depth during Laser Micro Welding [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0002]
Tomonori Yamada, Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
Takahisa Shobu, Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
Akihiko Nishimura, Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
Yukihiro Yonemoto, Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
Susumu Yamashita, Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
Toshiharu Muramatsu, Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
Received: June 7, 2011,
Accepted: May 31, 2012
High-Power Fibre Laser Cleaning for Green Shipbuilding [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0003]
G. X. Chen, Centre of Innovation (Marine & Offshore Technology), Ngee Ann Polytechnic;
T. J. Kwee, Centre of Innovation (Marine & Offshore Technology), Ngee Ann Polytechnic;
K. P. Tan, Centre of Innovation (Marine & Offshore Technology), Ngee Ann Polytechnic;
Y. S. Choo, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore;
M. H. Hong, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore;
Received: June 2, 2011,
Accepted: June 13, 2012
Magnetic Assisted Laser Micromachining for Highly Reflective Metals [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0004]
Yuan-Jen Chang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology;
Chia-Lung Kuo, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology;
Nai-Yu Wang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology;
Received: June 7, 2011,
Accepted: June 13, 2012
Nano Porous Films Processing of Polymer Films Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Au Nanoparticles [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0005]
Keita Muraoka, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University;
Kazushi Yamada, Future Applied Conventional Technology Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology;
Tatsuya Shoji, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University;
Hiroyuki Sugimura, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University;
Noboru Kitamura, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University;
Yasuyuki Tsuboi, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University;
Received: October 4, 2011,
Accepted: July 5, 2012
Lasing of ZnO Micro / Nanocrystals by Ultraviolet Laser Excitation and Atmospheric Alignment with Laser-induced Motions and Electrical Field [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0006]
Kota Okazaki, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University;
Tetsuya Shimogaki, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University;
Daisuke Nakamura, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University;
Mitsuhiro Higashihata , Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University;
Tatsuo Okada, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University;
Received: June 7, 2012,
Accepted: July 13, 2012
New Method for Nanosecond Laser Machining [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0007]
Cinthya Toro, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica;
Carlos Lasorsa, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica;
Citlali Sánchez Aké, Laboratorio de Fotofísica, CCADET, UNAM;
M. Villagran-Muñiz, Laboratorio de Fotofísica, CCADET, UNAM;
Carlos Rinaldi, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica;
Received: July 22, 2011,
Accepted: August 3, 2012
Generation of Radially Polarized Beam for Laser Micromachining [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0008]
Krishnan Venkatakrishnan, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University ;
Bo Tan, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Ryerson University ;
Received: May 1, 2012,
Accepted: August 30, 2012
Characterization of Shear Strength and Bonding Energy of Laser Pro-duced Welding Seams in Glass [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0009]
Ilya Alexeev, Chair of Photonic Technologies, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Kristian Cvecek, Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Christian Schmidt, Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Isamu Miyamoto, Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Thomas Frick, Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Michael Schmidt, Chair of Photonic Technologies, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Received: May 29, 2012,
Accepted: August 31, 2012
Reinforcing a Direct Bond between Optical Materials by Filamentation Based Femtosecond Laser Welding [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0010]
David Hélie, Center for Optics, Photonics and Lasers, Université Laval;
Fabrice Lacroix, Institut Franco-allemand de Recherches de Saint-Louis;
Réal Vallée, Center for Optics, Photonics and Lasers, Université Laval;
Received: May 29, 2012,
Accepted: September 11, 2012
Creation of Three-Dimensional Micro-Photonic Structures on the End-Face of Optical Fibers [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0011]
Stephen. M. Kuebler, Chemistry Department, University of Central Florida;
Henry E. Williams, Chemistry Department, University of Central Florida;
Daniel J. Freppon, Chemistry Department, University of Central Florida;
Raymond C. Rumpf, EM Lab, W. M. Keck Center for 3D Innovation, The University of Texas at El Paso;
Marco A. Melino, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida;
Received: July 18, 2012,
Accepted: September 18, 2012
Lasersonic® LIFT Process for Large Area Digital Printing [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0012]
Guido Hennig, DI Projekt AG, Flugplatz;
Thomas Baldermann, DI Projekt AG, Flugplatz;
Christian Nussbaum, DI Projekt AG, Flugplatz;
Marcel Rossier, DI Projekt AG, Flugplatz;
Andreas Brockelt, DI Projekt AG, Flugplatz;
Lorenz Schuler, DI Projekt AG, Flugplatz;
Gerhard Hochstein , DI Projekt AG, Flugplatz;
Received: May 29, 2012,
Accepted: September 20, 2012
Laser Direct Write Fabrication of Meta-Antennas for Electro-Optic Conversion [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0013]
A. T. Smith, Nova Research, Inc.;
D. Simonson, Naval Research Laboratory, Materials Science and Technology Division;
N. A. Charipar, Naval Research Laboratory, Materials Science and Technology Division;
A. Piqué, Naval Research Laboratory, Materials Science and Technology Division;
Received: June 30, 2012,
Accepted: September 25, 2012
Ultrafast Laser Patterning of Thin Films on 3-D Shaped Surfaces for Strain Sensor Applications [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0014]
Jan Friedrich Duesing, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.;
Oliver Suttmann, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.;
Juergen Koch, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.;
Uwe Stute , Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.;
Ludger Overmeyer, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.;
Received: June 29, 2012,
Accepted: September 27, 2012
Ultrafast, Optical Parametric Chirped-pulse Amplification System using a Block of Transparent Material for Pulse Stretching and Compression [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0015]
Koichi Yamakawa, Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
Yutaka Akahane, Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
Kanade Ogawa, Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
Received: July 21, 2011,
Accepted: October 3, 2012
Laser-Printed and Processed LiCoO₂CathodeThick Films for Li-Ion Microbatteries [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0016]
Heungsoo Kim, Naval Research Laboratory;
Johannes Proell, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology;
Robert Kohler, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology;
Wilhelm Pfleging, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology;
Alberto Pique, Naval Research Laboratory;
Received: June 30, 2012,
Accepted: October 16, 2012
Laser Assisted Frit Sealing for High Thermal Expansion Glasses [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0017]
Stephan Logunov, Science and Technology, Corning Incorporated;
Sasha Marjanovic, Science and Technology, Corning Incorporated;
Jitendra Balakrishnan, Science and Technology, Corning Incorporated;
Received: May 19, 2012,
Accepted: July 17, 2012
Fabrication of Gold Microelectrodes on a Glass Substrate by Femtosecond-Laser-Assisted Electroless Plating [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0018]
Jiangxin Song, State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Yang Liao, State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Changning Liu, State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Di Lin, State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Lingling Qiao, State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Ya Cheng, State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Koji Sugioka, Laser Technology Laboratory, RIKEN- Advanced Science Institute;
Katsumi Midorikawa, Laser Technology Laboratory, RIKEN- Advanced Science Institute;
Shan Zhang, Key Laboratory of Infrared Imaging Material and Detectors Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Received: April 16, 2012,
Accepted: August 8, 2012
Evolution of Self-assembled Nanostructure in Glass [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0019]
Y. Shimotsuma, Department of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University;
T. Asai, Department of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University;
K. Miura, Department of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University;
K. Hirao, Department of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University;
P. G. Kazansky, Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton;
Received: June 4, 2012,
Accepted: August 30, 2012
Direct Laser Writing: Versatile Tool for Microfabrication of Lithium Niobate [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0020]
Vygantas Mizeikis, Division of Global Research Leaders (Research Institute of Electronics), Shizuoka University;
Vytautas Purlys, Laser Research Center, Department of Quantum Electronics, Vilnius University ;
Domas Paipulas, Laser Research Center, Department of Quantum Electronics, Vilnius University ;
Ričardas Buividas, Centre for Micro-Photonics, Swinburne University of Technology;
Saulius Juodkazis, Centre for Micro-Photonics, Swinburne University of Technology;
Received: July 6, 2012,
Accepted: October 2, 2012
Study of Stromal Femtosecond Laser Ablation for Deep Corneal Cut Optimization [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0021]
A. Bernard, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, Laboratory « Biology, Engineering and Imaging of corneal graft » BiiGC (EA 2421) Faculty of Medicine;
E. Audouard, Université de Lyon, F-69003, Lyon, France, Université de Saint-Étienne, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR 5516 CNRS);
G. Thuret, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, Laboratory « Biology, Engineering and Imaging of corneal graft » BiiGC (EA 2421) Faculty of Medicine;
M. Peoc’h, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, Laboratory « Biology, Engineering and Imaging of corneal graft » BiiGC (EA 2421) Faculty of Medicine;
J-M. Dumollard, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, Laboratory « Biology, Engineering and Imaging of corneal graft » BiiGC (EA 2421) Faculty of Medicine;
J.Granier, IMPULSION SAS, Pole Optique Vision;
B.Moine, Université de Lyon, F-69003, Lyon, France, Université de Saint-Étienne, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR 5516 CNRS);
H. Soder, IMPULSION SAS, Pole Optique Vision;
P. Gain, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, Laboratory « Biology, Engineering and Imaging of corneal graft » BiiGC (EA 2421) Faculty of Medicine;
Received: June 12, 2012,
Accepted: October 24, 2012
Transformation of a Thin Gold Film to Nanoparticles after Nanosecond – Laser Irradiation [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0022]
Karolis Ratautas, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology;
Mindaugas Gedvilas, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology;
Bogdan Voisiat, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology;
Gediminas Račiukaitis, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology;
Alfonsas Grigonis, Department of Physics, Kaunas University of Technology;
Received: June 29, 2012,
Accepted: October 24, 2012
Plasmonic and Hydrodynamic Effects in Ultrafast Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures on Metals [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0023]
J.P. Colombier, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR 5516 CNRS), Université de Lyon, Université de Saint-Etienne;
F. Garrelie, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR 5516 CNRS), Université de Lyon, Université de Saint-Etienne;
P. Brunet, CNRS, Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes;
A. Bruyère, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR 5516 CNRS), Université de Lyon, Université de Saint-Etienne;
F. Pigeon, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR 5516 CNRS), Université de Lyon, Université de Saint-Etienne;
R. Stoian, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR 5516 CNRS), Université de Lyon, Université de Saint-Etienne;
O. Parriaux, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR 5516 CNRS), Université de Lyon, Université de Saint-Etienne;
Received: June 29, 2012,
Accepted: October 26, 2012
(Technical Communication) Modeling of Cu Direct Laser Drilling Process [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0024]
Junichi Okada, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. Mechanical System Engineering Dept. Research & Development Center;
Yuuji Okamoto, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. Mechanical System Engineering Dept. Research & Development Center;
Kazumasa Shudo, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. Mechanical System Engineering Dept. Research & Development Center;
Masafumi Yorozu, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. Mechanical System Engineering Dept. Research & Development Center;
Received: June 10, 2011,
Accepted: October 18, 2012
(Technical Communication) TiO₂/sapphire Beam Splitter for High-order Harmonics [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2012.03.0025]
Y. Sanjo, Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka City University;
M. Murata, Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka City University;
Y. Tanaka, Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka City University;
H. Kumagai, Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka City University;
M. Chigane, Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute;
Received: June 4, 2011,
Accepted: October 22, 2012