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Vol.14, No.2 (September, 2019) |
Antireflection Microstructured Surface on ZnSe for Mid-infrared Spectral Region [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0001]
Jia-Ji Cao, State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineer-ing, Jilin University;
Qian-Kun Li, State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineer-ing, Jilin University;
Yan-Hao Yu, State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineer-ing, Jilin University;
Yong-Sen Yu, State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineer-ing, Jilin University;
Received: June 27, 2018,
Accepted: April 2, 2019
Dot Line Pattern Formation in Photoresist Films by Mask-Guided LIPSS Formation Due to Excimer Laser Irradiation [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0002]
Shengying Lai, School of Science, Nanjing University of Science & Technology;
Pierre Lorenz, Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM);
Martin Ehrhardt, Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM);
Bing Han, Advanced Launching Co-innovation Center, Nanjing University of Science & Technology;
Jian Lu, School of Science, Nanjing University of Science & Technology;
Klaus Zimmer, Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM);
Received: December 17, 2018,
Accepted: April 21, 2019
High Power Laser Processing with Ultrafast and Multi-Parallel Beams [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0003]
A. Gillner, Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology;
J. Finger, Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology;
P. Gretzki, Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology;
M. Niessen, Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology;
Thilo Bartels, Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology;
M. Reininghaus, Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology;
Received: August 7, 2018,
Accepted: April 28, 2019
Single Track of Selective Laser Melting Process: Modeling and Experimental Comparison [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0004]
Chung-Wei Cheng, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University;
Yao-Wen Liou, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University;
An-Chen Lee, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University;
Mi-Ching Tsai, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University;
Received: June 7, 2018,
Accepted: June 16, 2019
Texturization of Engine Components with Shaped Ultrashort Laser Pulses [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0005]
Wagner de Rossi, Centro de Lasers e Aplicações – IPEN-CNEN/SP;
Alexandre Vieira, Faculdade de Tecnologia SENAI Suíço-Brasileira "Paulo Ernesto Tolle";
Received: May 14, 2019,
Accepted: August 13, 2019
Formation of Unique Nanoparticle Agglomerates During Laser Ablation of CaO Powders in Ethanol [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0006]
Takeshi Tsuji, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Shimane University;
Miki Kaneko, Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering Advanced Science Institute, Shimane University;
Moeto Fujiwara, Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering Advanced Science Institute, Shimane University;
Daiki Atarashi, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Shimane University;
Hidetoshi Miyazaki, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Shimane University;
Received: June 3, 2019,
Accepted: August 13, 2019
An Evolving Model of Surface Profile Produced by Nanosecond laser Ab-lation on Aluminum Alloy [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0007]
Yang-zhi Chen , School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology;
Xiong-dun Xie , School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology;
Xiao-ping Xiao, School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology;
Received: May 1, 2019,
Accepted: August 25, 2019
Experimental Study on the Relationship between Direction of Crack Propagation and Thermal Stress Distribution in Laser Cleaving Process for Glass Substrate [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0008]
Yuki Nakajima, Graduated School of Engineering, Hiroshima University;
Keiji Yamada, Graduated School of Engineering, Hiroshima University;
Kazuki Fukushima, Sodick Co., Ltd.;
Ryutaro Tanaka, Graduated School of Engineering, Hiroshima University;
Katsuhiko Sekiya, Graduated School of Engineering, Hiroshima University;
Received: May 20, 2019,
Accepted: August 25, 2019
Ablation Characteristics of Alumina and Zirconia Ceramics on Ultra-short Pulsed Laser Machining [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0009]
Norbert Ackerl , ETH Zurich, Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing (IWF);
Konrad Wegener, ETH Zurich, Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing (IWF);
Received: May 20, 2019,
Accepted: August 26, 2019
Adaption of Energy Deposition in Helical Drilling of Multidimensional Micro Holes Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0010]
Chao He, RWTH Aachen University, Chair for Laser Technology LLT;
Dominik Esch, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, School of Natural Sciences;
Arnold Gillner, RWTH Aachen University, Chair for Laser Technology LLT;
Received: May 21, 2019,
Accepted: September 5, 2019
(Technical Communication) Shifted Laser Surface Texturing (sLST) in Burst Regime [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0011]
Denys Moskal, New Technologies Research Centre (NTC), University of West Bohemia;
Jiri Martan, , New Technologies Research Centre (NTC), University of West Bohemia;
Martin Kucera, New Technologies Research Centre (NTC), University of West Bohemia;
Received: June 23, 2018,
Accepted: May 20, 2019
(Technical Communication) Simple and Compact Longitudinally Excited CO2 Laser Driven with A Fast High-Voltage Solid-State Switch [DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2019.02.0012]
Noor Shahira binti Masroon, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kindai University;
Shigeyasu Ohashi, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kindai University;
Masaya Tei, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kindai University;
Miyu Tanaka, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kindai University;
Kazuyuki Uno, Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research Faculty of Engineering, University of Yamanashi;
Hitoshi Nakano, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kindai University;
Received: February 16, 2019,
Accepted: July 1, 2019