Invited speakers

Plenary talks

Federico Capasso
(Harvard University, USA)
"Quantum Cascade Lasers: high performance compact light sources from the mid-infrared to the far-infrared" (Video Recording)

Ingolf Hertel
(Max-Born-Institute, Germany)
"Basics and applications of femtosecond laser interaction with transparent materials"

Wataru Shinohara
(SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., Japan)
"Technological trends and laser applications for solar panels"

Special sessions

Alan J. Hunt (University of Michigan,USA)
"Nanomorphing with Ultrafast Lasers and Biomedical Applications"

Hiroshi Yoshikawa (Saitama University,Japan)
"Protein crystallization controlled by femtseocnd laser-induced cavitation bubbles"

Scott A. Mathews (The Catholic University of America, USA)
"Characterization of the Laser Decal Transfer Process"
Christof W. Schneider (Paul Scherrer Institut,Switzerland)
"Laser Induced Forward Transfer of Functional Materials: the
European eLIFT Project"

John T. Fourkas (University of Maryland, USA)
"Recent developments in RAPID photolithography"

Regular sessions

Saulius Juodkazis (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
"Micro-explosions triggered by femtosecond laser pulses: new tool of nano-structuring"

"Stealth Dicing Technology and The Trend"

Yoshitaka Yamamoto (Sharp Corporation, Japan)
"Technology Innovation of Thin Film Transistors (TFTs) by Laser crystallization processing"

Philippe Delaporte (LP3 laboratory - CNRS-Mediterranean University, France)
"Laser micro and nanostructuring of surfaces fabricated by direct laser writing"

Vadim P. Veiko (St.Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia)
"Laser Decontamination of Radioactive Nuclides Polluted Metallic Surfaces"

Sung-Hak Cho (Nano Machining Lab. KIMM-Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Korea"
"fs laser cleaning using filamentation"

Wilhelm Pfleging (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Applied Materials (IAM-AWP),Germany)
"3D Structures in Battery Materials"

Peter R. Herman (University of Toronto, Canada)
"Harnessing Burst Trains to Control Ultrafast Laser Interactions"

Takashi Yatsui (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
"Nanophotonic etching of glass substrate for -scale surface roughness"

Kotaro Obata (Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.,,Germany)
"Laser-based micro- and nanofabrication for photonics and biomedicine"

Yves Bellouard (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
"The Femtoprint project"

David B. Geohegan (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
"Laser Processing and Diagnostic Explorations of Non-Equilibrium Nanomaterial Growth"

Steffen Sommer (echnologiegesellschaft fuer Strahlwerkzeuge mbH, Germany)
"Flexible and precise material processing with femtosecond disk lasers"