Submission Due Date: March 31, 2014 JST
All accepted authors are requested to submit their manuscripts for publication in Proceedings of SLPC 2014.
The submission deadline is March 31, 2014.
Please submit your manuscripts and copyright transfer form on-line.
If it is not possible to use the online submission, please directly contact SLPC2014 Office at "".
Manuscripts must be in PDF format only.
Conference Proceedings will be available on Electronic Media.
Final manuscripts are due Monday, March 31st (No extensions will be given).
Participants also have an opportunity to publish their proceedings manuscripts in the Journal of Laser Micro/ Nanoengineering (JLMN) with the recommendation by the programing committee of SLPC2014.
The recommended manuscripts will be peer reviewed.
Manuscripts submitted with copyright transfer form with check in the appropriate box for the transfer to the JLMN will proceed to the recommendation process in the SLPC 2014 Program Committee.
Then, recommended manuscript will progress in the review process of JLMN.
The author is requested to pay a publication charge of 10,000 JPY per article when his/her paper is accepted for publication.
The guidelines for the manuscript submission and the copyright transfer form are available as a download below:
For more information, please visit the JLMN website at