Tuesday, April 22, 2014
- 09:30-09:40, OPIC Opening Remarks
- 09:40-12:10, OPIC Plenary Session I
- 13:30-15:10, OPIC Plenary Session II
- 15:30-15:45, SLPC Opening Remarks
- 15:45-17:30, SLPC Session 1 (Advanced Lasers and Optical Technologies for Smart Processing)
- OPIC Conference Reception
(Included in registration fees)
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
- 08:30-10:00, SLPC Session 2 (Short Wavelength Applications)
- 10:30-11:45, SLPC Session 3 (Micro Nano Processing)
- 12:30-14:15, SLPC Session 4 (Poster Session)
- 14:45-16:00, SLPC Session 5 (Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Processing I)
- 16:30-17:45, SLPC Session 6 (Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Processing II)
- 18:30-20:30, SLPC Conference Banquet
(Free only for registration of SLPC2014 general. Extra charge for students, retirees and other conference's participants.)
Thursday, April 24, 2014
- 08:30-10:30, SLPC Session 7 (Additive Manufacturing and Advanced Surface Processing)
- 11:00-12:15, SLPC Session 8 (Bio-medical and Photonics Applications)
- 13:15-14:45, SLPC Session 9 (Processing of CFRP)
- 15:15-17:00, SLPC Session 10 (Industrial Applications)
- 17:00-17:15, SLPC Closing Remarks
Session program is here.