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The LPM2004 Outstanding Oral Paper Award

Session 5: 3D nano and microfabrication
"Laser-driven multi-degrees-of-freedom nanomanipulators produced by two-photon microstereolithography"

Associate Prof. Shoji Maruo
Yokohama National University, Japan

Prof. Koji Ikuta
Nagoya University, Japan,

Mr. Masafumi Ogawa
Nagoya University, Japan

Session 9: Joint Session (Ultrafast laser processing of glass/ceramics) 2
"3D integration of microoptics and microfluidics in glass using a femtosecond laser direct-writing"

Dr. Ya Cheng
RIKEN - The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan

Dr. Koji Sugioka
RIKEN - The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan

Dr. Katsumi Midorikawa
RIKEN - The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan

Session 22: Manufacture of micro devices and systems
"Application of laser direct-write techniques for embedding electronic and micropower components"

Dr. Alberto Pique
Naval Research Laboratory, USA

Prof. Scott A. Mathews
Catholic University of America, USA

Mr. Ray C.Y. Auyeung
Naval Research Laboratory,USA

Prof. Craig B. Arnold
Princeton University,USA

Dr. Michael Ollinger
Naval Research Laboratory,USA

Dr. Heungsoo Kim
Naval Research Laboratory,USA

Dr. Tom E. Sutto
Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Div.,USA

The LPM2004 Student Paper Award (Oral)

Session 22: Micro machining
"Micromachining of transparent materials by laser-induced plasma-assisted ablation (LIPAA)"

Mr. Yasutaka Hanada
RIKEN - The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan

Session 24: Drilling and cutting
"Melt ejection during percussion drilling of micro holes in stainless steel and nickel-based superalloy by pulsed Nd:YAG laser radiation"

Mrs. Lena Trippe
Lehrstuhl fur Lasertechnik, Germany

The LPM2004 Outstanding Poster Paper Award

"Laser direct write for release of SiO2 MEMS and nano-scale devices"

Dr. Henry Helvajian
The Aerospace Corporation, USA

Ms. Meg H. Abraham
The Aerospace Corporation, USA

The LPM2004 Student Paper Award (Poster)

"Development of EUV light source by CO2 laser-produced plasma with nano-structured SnO2 targets"

Mr. Hiroki Tanaka
Kyushu University, Japan

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